Monday, November 19, 2012


Britt Nicole is known for her fun, pop-ish songs that talk about God. This song reminds me of 'Who Says' or 'Firework'. I suppose that's it is like that.

What I'm trying to say is that, well.... Okay, let's start with the basics. Think about gold. It's beautiful, and shiny. Everything about it seems great. People in the 'old times' went nuts for it. Its always been valuable.

But think about it, does God really say we are 'worth more than gold?'

"For you formed my inward parts," David says of God. "You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I'm a fearfully and wonderfully made."
Think about the beginning of time. God created two people, man and woman. He loved them and lived with them. He even took walks with Adam.
Then, it all fell apart.
We sinned against God. He gave us the Garden of Eden and made us his own. The most power being that even was gave us all we could ever need, and we spat in his face.
Yet, God never left us. Even though he took away the Garden of Eden, he never, ever, ever left us. He was always there, being faithful and loving, even though we never were.
And he also had a plan.
He still his Son, Jesus Christ, to our dirty, sinful, disgusting world, not to mention he willingly went. Then, the very people that he died for, killed him on a cross.
All because of us.
But the story does not end there! Three days later, he rose again. He defeated sin! He crushed Satan! He prevailed over evil!
Now all you need to do is: Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Believe in your heart that God raised him from the death and you will be saved.
 He could have left us for dead, but he didn't. Why? Okay, not because we were 'worth it', but  because he is loving and faithful. Because he loved us... for some reason! We were orphans and he adopted us.
And now, because of Christ, we are worth more than gold!

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In Christ,