Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Ticking Monster

When you were first born, you didn’t feel it. Even now, you still are numb to the truth. Time is passing, faster than you could ever comprehend. Usually, your worst fears are things that can kill you or cause you pain. But really, what people should fear, more than anything else, is time.
Because when time runs out, there is no going back.

Think about it. What makes time so terrifying is that it is uncontrollable. For all you know, today could be your last. And if not today, tomorrow. You don’t even need a turmoil disease for your time run out quickly. You know with things like car accidents and shootings that time can run out….
…just like that.

Will you answer this, reader? If you knew how much time you had, would you your life differently?
Would you take more interest in things that matter than things that don’t? Would you decide to spend a few more minutes talking with your family over dinner before you go into your normal routine? Would you smile more often? Would you talk more kindly to others? Would you make the best use of the time you have, regardless of how much it is?

Would you?
Perhaps, to some extent, but not fully. You know time is passing, know it as much as I do. But sometimes, we don’t heed the warning. We still engulf ourselves in social media and entertainment.

Things that do not last.
The reason why we don’t heed the warning is that we fail understand how urgent it is. Even if you knew how much time you had, you would waste it. Not as much, maybe, but you would.

But… what if you knew how much time our loved ones had?
So, reader, are you scared of time? I do not blame you. It is a scary thing. Not only time itself but whatever happens when time ends.

People have their own assumptions, but what is true? You must choose carefully what to believe because what you chose will influence your desires, your choices, your life.

Until time ends.
The truth is, time is frightening. You can’t control it. You can’t predict it. It goes faster than you will ever know. But… it doesn’t have to scare you.

What shall you do to make the most of your time? You can choose kindness. Be good. Give back to everyone is has ever given to you. Help others. Live life to the fullest.
But you will always lack sometime, until you understand what will happen when your time is up.

There are many things that perceived to be accidents, but many of those things aren’t. You’re here, reading this right now, for a reason. Maybe you’ll never find out why, but it’s true. So, I will tell you now, boldly that I do know what will follow my death.
Jesus is the master of time. He knows exactly when Your time is up. He knows when He has planned for you to die. He knows when you will take your finally breath. Until then, He will do many things to get through to you. Whether you realize it, or even believe it, God is watching out for you. He lets things happen, puts people in your life, all for a reason.

To make you realize your need for Him.
You do not have to live a good life to receive his gift. You could have wasted every second of your life until now on worthless, despicable things, but He will still receive you. All you most do is believe that you need Him, that You have done wrong, and trust in Him to take you the rest of the way.

If you do not have Jesus, you are missing the most important piece of your life. If you do everything in your power to make sure your time is not wasted, it will be in vain if you do not have Him.
Trust in him, reader, and He will know you. You will know him. When you time is up and a part of you is scared, He will recognize you. And on that day, when everything you knew, expect for Him, is out of your reach, He will say, “Come to me, child. I have given my life so could you could come.”

Yes, time is scary, and yes, we don’t what happens next. But with Jesus, we have a reason to spend our time wisely. We have a reason to live happily in spite of time. To some, time is a ticking monster. With Jesus, it is not. Because when we have Jesus, dear reader, time will not run out when we die.

It will be only beginning.
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come." Mark 13:31-33


  1. Interesting post. I think I am scared of time, although I'm not sure what I would do differently. I think we should all make the most of our time anyway, not be afraid to say what we wanna say...

    The Life of Little Me

  2. Wow, Sarah.....Just..Wow. What a meaningful post! Great job, as always! =) <3

    (I don't know if you saw, but I featured this post in a "Inspirational Posts" post on my blog. =) <3


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In Christ,