Monday, October 20, 2014

Chocolate Book Tag

Before I do anything, I would like to thank everyone for commenting on my NaNoWriMo post. I will replaying to the comments shortly. I'm so glad you guys took time to say what you felt about it. I'm pretty sure I will be doing it, so thank you again:)

Technically, I was not tagged for this. But a few other blogs I followed did this and it looked so... fun! Books and chocolate. Can anyone think of a better combination? Uh, no, I don't think so. Here we go.

Because I love so many books of involve the questions they asked, a few of these will include two answers.

 1. Dark Chocolate (A book that covers a dark topic)

Blade Silver by Melody Carlson.
It's been a long time since I've read this book, but it still stuck on to me as one of the best Melody Carlson books ever. It explained teen suicide and why they do it and had a amazing redemption story that shined. Melody Carlson introduced me to YA Christian Fiction genre.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusark
Wow, this book is awesome. Yes, it is sad and definitely covers a dark topic. But despite that, it's has its high points. Though the book is sad, it has wonderful, happy scenes. Ups and downs. The voice is the most unique to any voice.

2. White Chocolate (Favorite light-hearted/humorous read)
A Charmed Life Series by Jenny B. Jones
Oh, wow, I love these books! Other than being exciting and cute, they're hilarious. Of course, all the Jenny B. Jones books I've read are funny. The romance was well done. The mysteries kept you on the edge of your seat. But I think what I liked most was how the author gave equal attention to every aspect of the story. The romance was great, but it didn't take over the story, same with the mysteries
3. Milk Chocolate (A book with a lot of hype that you're dying to read)
I have quite a few books I want to read so I'm choosing a few.
The Blood Of Olympus by Rick Riodarian.
I'm a huge fan of the Percy Jackson series, not so much The Heroes of Olympus series. Still, I do want to read this book. But... I still have to read The House Of Hades. I'll check out a few book reviews and see what happens:)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas.
I've heard a lot of people like this book. I read the preview on Amazon and while it was incredibly interesting and made me want to read more, if it's about an assassin, I'm not too sure if I want to read it. Once again, I'll have to look at some book reviews, but if they look good, I will read it.
4. Caramel-filled Chocolate (A book that makes you feel all gooey inside)
I suppose they mean something with romance and the only thing I can think of is Legend by Marie Lu. Legend kept me interested the whole time. It had me freaking out. Like, literally. I read half of it on the way home somewhere and it was a struggle not to read it at our destination so I could save it for the trip home. Eventually, the suspense won. I finished it before we left. The plot is great. The characters are amazing. For the most part, it is clean, only with some mild cussing and kissing.
5. Wafer-less KitKat (A book that has surprised you)
The Hunger Games will probably always be the book that surprised me the most. I've read too many negative critiques of the movies and just assumed that this was another bad thing that teens were into. After reading the series, I was so wrong. Now it's my favorite secular book(s). I could go on and on about that, but it would make this post way longer than it should be.
6. Snickers (A book you're going nuts about)
The Gallagher Series by Ally Carter.
AH, these are amazing. I'm reading the last one right now and can't wait to finish it. Ally Carter is one of the best authors I've encountered in a long time and the last four books of this series kept me on the edge of my seat.
7. Hot Chocolate With Mini Marshmallows (A book you turn to for a comfort read)
The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet
I have both of these books on my Kindle app. First of all, when I wanted to be comforted, I go to something that relates to me and Ellie is shy, keeps to herself, and a writer. At the same time, she feels left out. And I can totally relate to that. Other than that, I felt like I was Ellie when I was reading book two. Definitely read these books, especially if you're a girl and a writer.

8. Box of Chocolates (A series you feel has something for everyone)
The Percy Jackson series fits the description. Yes, it is about a boy, but it has some girls in it too. It never has a dull moment and is intriguing. But what I like most about it is the morals it promotes: sacrifice, bravery, and love. No, it has very little romance in it to all those who wondered.

 I tag:
This is a great tag, so if you're not on the list, go ahead and do it!
Doesn't this sound great? It's coming out tomorrow, which means I will be up as earliest as possible to hear the world thing.
Sorry for the long post!


  1. Awesome! Love this :) thanks for the tag

  2. I haven't read a huge variety of I don't know if I'll be able to come up with a list of books for this tag, but thanks for the tag:) I tend to stick to the same types of books all the time, and I'm not really a huge reader unless it's a popular series that everyone has read.

    -Lauren <3

    1. You totally don't have to do it if you don't want to. It's fine. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I can't wait to do this. :)

  4. Great job with this tag!! THE.CHARMED.LIFE.SERIES! I love those books! =D I read the first one, then I read the whole series combined into the one big book that you have pictured. =) The Gallagher Series, I have a funny story about those. I got the first one from the library, but then I had only read the first couple chapters before I lost the book! We eventually paid the library for it, and then about a month later Julia found it in our closet! I don't have any idea how it got in there, but we did get our money back from the library. I'm afraid to check it out, though, now! ;)

    I listened to all the samples of Taylor's new album on Amazon, and heard on the radio 3 new ones. Unfortunately I'm not able to buy it =( I guess from what I've heard I don't like them as much as her other albums, but I like some of them, and they aren't bad. =) I like the, "How You Get The Girl."

    ~Jess <3

    ps. Thanks for nominating me!


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