This post is based on what my dad and I talked about last night. Most of this was his own thinking and not mine, but it was very convicting to me so I thought I'd post it.
For a long time I've always followed my favorite music star's lives. I always check every day and see if they tweeted anything and I used to look up their name to see if there was any news of them. Call me a stalker, but I'm one of many! Anyway, my #1 curiosity of any star is if they're a Christian or not. I researched on it to see if they ever professed Christ as their Savior. I've talked about this on my blog. But, just think about it, for a moment. My dad made me come to a conclusion.
It is irrelevant!
It's not important whether our favorite Hollywood stars are Christians or not. Let me ask you a question: Why do we like these people? Most of the time (if not all of the time) it's because of their gifts. They might have a amazing voice or they might have been great actors or actresses. They might hate God, but we can still enjoy the gifts that God gave them.
For example, Katy Perry said she sold her soul to the devil, (which, BTW, doesn't make sense because God owns her soul to begin with) but I still enjoy her music. We can praise God for their gifts.
Of course, there's this whole 'look up to' stars thing. We shouldn't look up to them because we don't know them! Sure, they might seem like good people, but one person can be doing drugs and stuff like that, and have a good public image. Demi Lovato had a great public image and no one suspected she was doing what she was doing. The world is a big eye, but you can hide things from it. We should look up to the people around us, the people we know and see on a regular basic, not the people we see on the scream.
Hey, I'm not saying I don't do this. I do. In fact, I'm not just talking to you. I'm talking to me. Because I do this all the time! I idolize and judge the stars all the time! But the truth is: It isn't worth it. It isn't worth it to idolize stars. It isn't worth it to worry about their Christians or not. To be honest, really, it's none of our business! None of things about their lives are our business. Their work is our business.
It is arrogant for me to say, "She can't be a Christian," or "She has to be a Christian." Why? Because I'm not them. I don't know her heart. Furthermore, I'm not God! Only God knows. Of course, the spiritual background matters, but it isn't important unless we're going to whiteness them or something. We should admire them, but not look up to them.
Again, this is my dad's insight, not mine. But I happen to think it's true. So I'm just going to enjoy their music and not worry about their beliefs anymore.
In Christ,
P.S I just had to post this song because it is awesome and very funny!
For some reason, Ellie has not posted this song. So I thought, since I like it too, I'd post it. It's a little on the techo side, but I love the chorus! For the record, I do keep this song on 'replay'.
"I'm not super religious, but I grew up a Christian and believe in God. I don't talk about it in L.A much because people are very judgemental, but I feel like God gave me a voice, not just to sing with. He put me through those things, which seemed horrible at the time, but it was so worth it. With the obstacles I've overcome, I can help people."
Demi lovato said this in an interview to a very secular magazine while speaking about her suicidal thoughts at age 7. It's an amazing testimony. God has a reason for everything even all the pain we go through.
I used to be very judgemental about these kind of people. Well, actually anything and anyone who wasn't a Christian I was judgemental about. But the thing I was most judgemental about was secular artists who were professing Christians. I thought that if they were Christians they sing about God.
Now I see how wrong I was.
The truth is that if you don't sing about Christ doesn't mean you're not a Christian. Sure, it matters, but the Bible says we
will know by their fruits. Let's face it: not all of our fruits have to be 'Christian' I've written songs that aren't Christian but hopefully you can tell I'm a Christian because I wrote about Jesus even though some of you don't know me personally. Not all my posts are about Jesus. Many of them aren't.
Furthermore, I am very glad we have people like Demi Lovato and Britt Nicole. Don't you notice that the secular world doesn't make any effort to listen to us? This world hates us!! They're not going to come to us and we have to come to them!! Without lights like Demi Lovato and Britt Nicole, who aren't afraid to go into the darkness despite what the Christians will think of them, this world will be a whole lot darker!! It's like a Missionary going to a pagan tribe. That's why I'm thankful for people like them.
In Christ,
"The darkness had gone into the light, but the darkness has not overcome it."
Hey bloggers!!! this is Ellie!! we are my aunt's house right now. Right now I'm in there living room with my other aunt reading my dad and my dog sleeping and my brother and his cousin playing a game and my other sweet little cousin just walking around! I love being with my family!!!I'm going to see my aunt and cousins from Washington the state!!!! Just an update on Me and Sarah!!