The first America Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson, has been around for over a decade. Releasing her Greatest Hits album last year, she rocked the house with her lead single for her album, 'Catch My Breath.' If you are a Kelly Clarkson fan, you know that she has a reputation for breakup songs, lots of them. But none of them are the kind of 'woe is me' breakup songs. Mostly, they're like, 'I don't need you'. From 'Since U Been Gone' to 'What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)', Kelly Clarkson has proved herself to be a hope to those who are struggling with being dumped, breakups, and addictions. Her powerful, amazing vocals add to the persistence and cheerfulness of her songs. Now, Kelly, 30, is engaged. Through ten years, her fan base has not deceased, only increased.
With her Greatest Hits album, she has managed to produce three new songs. Her new single, 'People Like Us' is no exception from her powerful house, encouraging songs, expect this one doesn't deal with romance. Instead, it's more of a rebellious, 'let's stick together' song.
First, she speaks about people who stand up for what they believe in. "We come to this world unknown. Yet know that we are not alone. They try and knock us down. But change is coming. It's our turn now."
With her beautiful voice, she starts, "Hey/Everybody loses it/Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes/And hey, I know what you're going through/Don't let it get the best of you/You'll make it out alive."
The chorus is encouraging and upbeat. Talking about how people should support people who are hurting, she sings, "People like us/We gotta stick together/Keep your head up/Nothing last forever."
One line makes you raise an eyebrow even known Kelly didn't mean to use it as a cuss word. "Here's to the d----ed/To the lost and forgotten/It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom." But other than that, the song is clean. "We are all misfits living in a ball on fire!"
Then, Kelly speaks about what this song is really about. "Hey, this is not a funeral/It's a revolution/After all, your tears have turned to rage." It's a rebellion, an furious rebellion. Yet, Kelly speaks more of the whole 'nothing lasts forever' thing. "Just wait/Everything will be okay/Even when you're feeling like it's all turning into flames."
Also, she sings inspiring words, encouraging people to be brave and stand up for what they believe in while assuring them that it's all worth it in the end. "They can't do nothing to you/They can't do nothing to me/This is the life that we chose/This is the life that we bleed/So throw your fists in the air/Come out/Come out/If you dare/Tonight we're gonna change forever... You just gotta turn it up high when the flames get higher."
In the past, Kelly has shown herself to be a Christian. "
I'm actually not a big fan of the word hope. I think it's a depressing word. I don't want to hope - I want to know. Like I don't hope there's a God, I know there's a God," she said once. In fact, maybe her songs do have a spiritual inspiration. "God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress.," Her pro-gay views have shown evidence towards a change of heart. But we will really never know.
But its that one line,"We are all misfits living in a world on fire," that puts some more confusion in this song. What does that mean? We don't fit in this world?
In a way, we are misfits. We are children of God, not of this world. This is not our home, but actually we're more than misfits. Why? Because God has called us to be here! Why, I ask you, doesn't God just put everybody in Heaven once they trust in Him? Because he wants us to tell more people about Him! We are the moon. He gives us light and we shine in the night. It's pretty cool when you think about it. "You called me out of the darkness into your marvelous light."
We are much more than misfits. We are called here. We are here for a purpose. To tell this world about Jesus. Though this world is so sinful, we should remember that nothing is impossible with God. People like us do need to stick together. No one can do it on their own.
Look at that quote. "God will never give you anything you can't handle." I'm sure you've heard people say that before. But look into it. Don't you remember? Without the things we can't handle, we probably wouldn't be Christians. The reason I became a Christian is that I realized that I was a sinner, and there were in things in my life that I just can't handle. Now I've realized that I need God more than I need oxygen. It was through those things that I can't handle, that I came to realize that.
But with God, things that you can't handle become things you can handle with Him alone. God has made us more than misfits. Sometimes we are living in a ball of fire, but with Him, we can stand up for what we believe in. With Him, we can survive anything. God has given us the ability to stand up for Him and what we believe in. We need to accept his calling.
'People Like Us' proves to be a upbeat song with a powerful message. Yet, it leaves you with a choice. "Come out if you dare!" she challenges. God has given us a choice too. We need to stand up for what we believe in and trust in God to lead the way. He has made us more than misfits.
We need to tell that to the world.