Monday, October 28, 2013
Music Review Monday #9: Prism (Deluxe Edition)

Actually, Katy surprised me. After hearing 'Roar', hope filled me that, perhaps, this album would be worth listening to and enjoying. A few of her old songs (Teenage Dream, for instance), I only listen to once in awhile because of the tune. It's so good, but I know the song itself isn't worth listening to because of the lyrics
Thankfully, this album goes in a much different direction then the party-filled Teenage Dream. In fact, many of these songs are very serious and do have a point in them. Katy has come far since her divorce and this album proves it. These songs talk about love in a different way and definitely more meaningful than ever before
Many of you know Kay used to be a Christian artist. Since then, it is seemed her faith is a thing of the past. But this album actually has a lot of spiritually.
The question is: Is that good or bad?
Actually, a bit of both.
Wholesome Content
'Unconditionally' is definitely one of the album's highlights. The song talks about unconditional love in a way that could relate to any family relationship. "I will love you unconditionally... I will take the bad days with your good/I'll do it all because I love you," she sings sweetly. 'Love Me' is similar, in which Katy realizes that self-respect and self love is a key thing when it comes to a good relationship with the ones you love. She even confesses that she hates how she looks sometimes, but says, "But who I am is I'm meant to be."A broken heart turns up on 'Ghost' (a song about her divorce), as Katy sings about the sudden disappearance of her beau. Through it all, though, she doesn't speak of anger or hatred for her ex. In fact, she sings of giving a second chance on friendship terms, "So rest in peace/I'll see you on the other side." Katy tries to make peace in 'Choose Your Battles.' Stopping her own fight, she sings that survival isn't everything and in the end, love conflicts never are worth it.. "Choose your battles.... stop digging your own grave... There's so much more to live for... I don't wanna be the last one standing."
On one of the last tracks on the album, she admits to making her own mistakes. Confessing no one, even her, is blameless. "It's so easy to throw you under the bus... I say these things to hurt you/But I'm only hurting myself... But let me be the first, baby to say 'I'm sorry." In 'Roar', she decides to call her own shots and take chances instead of letting everyone make decisions for her.
'Double Rainbow' is about a once-in a-lifetime relationship, which is not flawless, but worth it. She contemplates suicide in 'By the Grace of God', but in the end, she decides to stay and gives God the credit. She even quotes Scripture. "Yeah, the truth will set you free."
Unacceptable Content
Actually, other than 'By the Grace of God', all the spiritually mentioned is this album is not good. A lot of it is Eastern religion.'Legendary Lovers' is the first track that is about this. The song starts out like this, "Under a sliver moon, tropical temperature." Quickly, she sings about karma. "Never knew that karma could be this rewarding... say my name like a scripture." Maybe I'm wrong, but a line in this song could hint that it's talking about a same-sex relationship. "You're my blushing Juliet," she sings.
'Walking on Air' rejoices over sex and Heaven. "Angels are jealous of our love," she coos. On that line, 'Birthday' is a song about physical love and sex. "If you want all/I'm the girl you should call... I'm going to catch you in your birthday suit/It's time to bring out the big, big balloons!"
'Dark Horse', definitely the song with the most sexual content, is the story of a man falling in love with a witch. Katy doesn't say anything terribly suggestive, but her guest rapper, Juicy J does. "UH, she's a beast/I call her Karma/She'll eat your heart out... She can be my Sleeping Beauty/I'll put her in a comma/D---, I think I love her/Turns the bedroom into a fair/Her love is like a drug."
The only other profanity turns up on one of the only party song's in this album, 'This is How We Do.' "Channel that/H--- yeah." In this song, she sings lazily and encourages kids using their rent money to buy bottle service and partying all day and night.
In 'This Moment', Katy convinces her guy to 'put her love into motion' because 'all we have is this moment'. 'Spiritual' takes Biblical things and turns them into sexual metaphors. "Lay me down at the altar/I'm a slave to this love/Your electric lips got me speaking in tongues."
Katy Perry definitely surprised me. I was expecting something far worse than 'Roar.' I had high expectations for this album, but I should have known with Perry, there's some strings attached.A lot of this album was blasphemy and it disgusted me. The spiritually was totally twisted into a sexual fair. When I heard 'Dark Horse', I had yet to find out that was just a taste of how sexually and yet, spiritual this album was.
But the profanity was very mild and there were only a few party songs. This album is better than 'Teenage Dream', but it still really didn't impress me. I really like 'By the Grace of God' and 'Unconditionally.' Though she was divorced, most of these songs were happy love songs/
This album was very twisted, but I'm going to make a statement. Katy Perry seems really bad, but through everything that she's done, I think she'll still searching. She still hasn't decided what she believes about God and everything else. We must pray that God will show Himself to her in a different way then He did her childhood. I think her divorce has pushed her in the right direction.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
X Factor Again
This girl is so inspirational! When you first see her, you would never guess she had that kind of disability and be so happy! Love the X Factor Season 3:)
Sunday, October 13, 2013
ROYAL TAILOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Homeschooling and Education
Dear Blog Readers, Bloggers, and Followers,
It's occurred to me that I've never really blogged about being homeschooled before. In fact, I don't think I've ever mentioned that. So there. I'm homeschooled. Actually, one of the reasons why I've thankfully for blogging is because, ironically, most (if not all) of my blogging friends are homeschooled. I never thought I'd meet so many homeschooling friends! This is cool for me since I don't know many homeschool who are not local or from my state.
Most of my lovely followers are homeschool in fact. This is just another reason why I am so glad God put blogging in my life.
I do like homeschooling. It has its ups and downs though. No education is perfect. To tell you the truth, recently, I've been feeling like I would rather go to public or private school, mostly because I feel like I'm missing out on the social things. I've always been shy, and I feel like part of that is because I spend a LOT of time at home. (For a lot of my life anyway) It wasn't till this year when we started going to YHOP and texting when I really started making more friends.
But after watching this video, for like to hundredth time, I realized I should be proud of being homeschooled.I REALLY LIKE Blimey Cow and this video has to be my favorite. Actually, most of the public school kids I meet, want to be homeschooled.
There was a time when I didn't think the first thing about popular music. (Christian and secular) I didn't know anything about the culture. But now that I do know, (a lot in fact), I realize that those days were a lot better. I realize now that the culture is not cool! And yes, I do agree. It would be like heaven if we didn't know who Lady Gaga was. (Lately, instead of her, its Miley Cyrus) Haha.
Besides that, I want to talk about education. I've noticed, through the years, that most of my friends and family don't really like school. It just isn't them. It's me too. I hear my friends talking about how they hate math and science. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a big fan of it myself. But while I was pondering this, I started thinking about all the kids in other countries who can't learn because they don't have the resources. I thought about all the kids that would love to learn, but they can't because for various reasons.
It's sad to think about, but it also makes me thankful. A lot of kids would do anything to have the education I have. I want to tell you right now, whether you're in public, private, or homeschool, you are blessed. The things you learn every day is the information that God thought of himself. (Expect if you're in public school and they teach about Evolution) He is going to use those things in your life.
So the next time you're doing your science, feeling bored out of your skull and wishing for something else to do, think of that.
In Christ,
It's occurred to me that I've never really blogged about being homeschooled before. In fact, I don't think I've ever mentioned that. So there. I'm homeschooled. Actually, one of the reasons why I've thankfully for blogging is because, ironically, most (if not all) of my blogging friends are homeschooled. I never thought I'd meet so many homeschooling friends! This is cool for me since I don't know many homeschool who are not local or from my state.
Most of my lovely followers are homeschool in fact. This is just another reason why I am so glad God put blogging in my life.
I do like homeschooling. It has its ups and downs though. No education is perfect. To tell you the truth, recently, I've been feeling like I would rather go to public or private school, mostly because I feel like I'm missing out on the social things. I've always been shy, and I feel like part of that is because I spend a LOT of time at home. (For a lot of my life anyway) It wasn't till this year when we started going to YHOP and texting when I really started making more friends.
But after watching this video, for like to hundredth time, I realized I should be proud of being homeschooled.I REALLY LIKE Blimey Cow and this video has to be my favorite. Actually, most of the public school kids I meet, want to be homeschooled.
There was a time when I didn't think the first thing about popular music. (Christian and secular) I didn't know anything about the culture. But now that I do know, (a lot in fact), I realize that those days were a lot better. I realize now that the culture is not cool! And yes, I do agree. It would be like heaven if we didn't know who Lady Gaga was. (Lately, instead of her, its Miley Cyrus) Haha.
Besides that, I want to talk about education. I've noticed, through the years, that most of my friends and family don't really like school. It just isn't them. It's me too. I hear my friends talking about how they hate math and science. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a big fan of it myself. But while I was pondering this, I started thinking about all the kids in other countries who can't learn because they don't have the resources. I thought about all the kids that would love to learn, but they can't because for various reasons.
It's sad to think about, but it also makes me thankful. A lot of kids would do anything to have the education I have. I want to tell you right now, whether you're in public, private, or homeschool, you are blessed. The things you learn every day is the information that God thought of himself. (Expect if you're in public school and they teach about Evolution) He is going to use those things in your life.
So the next time you're doing your science, feeling bored out of your skull and wishing for something else to do, think of that.
In Christ,
Thursday, October 3, 2013
We were nominated by Grace at Daughter of Jesus. Go check out her awesome blog!!!! Thank you so much Grace!
Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.
Post 11 questions for them to answer.
Notify them that they've been nominated.
1: Books or movies? favorite book/movie?
Sarah: Books. Well, my favorite book right now is The Hunger Games, but my favorite book of all time is A Charmed Life Series by Jenny B Jones.
Ellie: Probably books and my favorite book is a charmed life series!!!
2: If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why?
Sarah: I go to London just because I loved a British accent!
Ellie: I would go to Dallas Texas or London
3: What is your favorite Blog?
Sarah: I have a LOT so I'll just say three. God's Girl, She's Not Afraid, and Praise Him with Dance
Ellie: again lots of favorites but I LOVE The Song of My Life, Shine Through the Dark, and God's Girl
4: What instrument do you play or want to play?
Sarah: I play piano, but would love to play guitar!
Ellie: I play piano too, but would like to play guitar
5: What is your favorite season? Why?
Sarah: Autumn. I love the colors.
Ellie: Autumn!!:)
6: How many sibling
Sarah: three counting our beagle
Ellie: same
7: What is your favorite part of Blogging?
Sarah: Expressing myself, in ways I can't express in words.
Ellie: I can write long post or short posts whatever has been in my mind.
Anna at: God's Girl
Noelle at: Praise Him with Dance
Melody at: The Song of my Life
Danae at: Shine Through the Dark
Acknowledge the blog that nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that deserve some recognition.
Post 11 questions for them to answer.
Notify them that they've been nominated.
1: Books or movies? favorite book/movie?
Sarah: Books. Well, my favorite book right now is The Hunger Games, but my favorite book of all time is A Charmed Life Series by Jenny B Jones.
Ellie: Probably books and my favorite book is a charmed life series!!!
2: If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why?
Sarah: I go to London just because I loved a British accent!
Ellie: I would go to Dallas Texas or London
3: What is your favorite Blog?
Sarah: I have a LOT so I'll just say three. God's Girl, She's Not Afraid, and Praise Him with Dance
Ellie: again lots of favorites but I LOVE The Song of My Life, Shine Through the Dark, and God's Girl
4: What instrument do you play or want to play?
Sarah: I play piano, but would love to play guitar!
Ellie: I play piano too, but would like to play guitar
5: What is your favorite season? Why?
Sarah: Autumn. I love the colors.
Ellie: Autumn!!:)
6: How many sibling
Sarah: three counting our beagle
Ellie: same
7: What is your favorite part of Blogging?
Sarah: Expressing myself, in ways I can't express in words.
Ellie: I can write long post or short posts whatever has been in my mind.
8: What is your favorite song?
Sarah: 'Roar' by Katy Perry and 'Remain' by Royal Tailor
Sarah: 'Roar' by Katy Perry and 'Remain' by Royal Tailor
Ellie: 'Ready Set 'Go' by Royal Tailor and 'Clarity' by Zedd and "If only" by OBB
9: What are your hobbies?
Sarah:Writing, and playing piano
Ellie: Singing, Babysitting, reading, snapchatting, texting, and playing games with family
Ellie: Summer cause I like gymnastics
11: Acting or Singing? Why?
Sarah: Singing since I love music!
Ellie: Singing cause i'm good at it!!!
We nominate:Sarah:Writing, and playing piano
Ellie: Singing, Babysitting, reading, snapchatting, texting, and playing games with family
10: Winter or Summer Olympics? Favorite winter/summer Olympic?
Sarah: Summer, probably last year's one because I love Gabby DouglassEllie: Summer cause I like gymnastics
11: Acting or Singing? Why?
Sarah: Singing since I love music!
Ellie: Singing cause i'm good at it!!!
Anna at: God's Girl
Noelle at: Praise Him with Dance
Melody at: The Song of my Life
Danae at: Shine Through the Dark
Questions for Nominees'
1.Favorite book/movie? What book/movie?
2.If you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
2.If you could meet any celebrity who would it be?
3. What is your favorite music star and what's your favorite song?
4. What are your favorite blogs?
5. What inspires you about blogging?
6. Which do you like better Google Plus, blogging, Facebook, or email and why?
7. Who is your role model and why?
8. Are you a girly girl, tom boy, or In the middle and why?
9.Whould you rather Act in a show or sing in a show why?
10. How many siblings would you like to have and why?
11. If you could be in any book or movie what would that book or movie be why?
Hope everyone likes the questions!! Thanks again Grace for nominating us!!!
In Christ,
Sarah and Ellie:)
4. What are your favorite blogs?
5. What inspires you about blogging?
6. Which do you like better Google Plus, blogging, Facebook, or email and why?
7. Who is your role model and why?
8. Are you a girly girl, tom boy, or In the middle and why?
9.Whould you rather Act in a show or sing in a show why?
10. How many siblings would you like to have and why?
11. If you could be in any book or movie what would that book or movie be why?
Hope everyone likes the questions!! Thanks again Grace for nominating us!!!
In Christ,
Sarah and Ellie:)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
My AWESOME sister SARAH!!!!
Tomorrow is something really special to me, it's my awesome sister Sarah's birthday she is going to be fourteen. Even though I wish I was older than you and you were turning 13 tomorrow I'm so happy for you Sarah you've been alive for fourteen years!!! My mom would tell me that Sarah would always read to me when I was young, and now instead of her reading to me I'm reading one of her books!! Sarah is a awesome sister and is always encouraging me and loving me. I'm now going to tell a little about Sarah! Hope you like it!!!!
Sarah loves reading, writing, and music. Sarah is happy, and always cranking her typer!! She loves writing stories that are funny, but very meaningful. She loves bouncy across listening to music. Even though her music is loud I love her. Her favorite book authors are Jane Austin and Melody Carson. Sarah is obsessed with
Taylor Swift
Demi Lovato
and X Factor
Sarah loves reading, writing, and music. Sarah is happy, and always cranking her typer!! She loves writing stories that are funny, but very meaningful. She loves bouncy across listening to music. Even though her music is loud I love her. Her favorite book authors are Jane Austin and Melody Carson. Sarah is obsessed with
Taylor Swift
Demi Lovato
Britt Nicole
and X Factor
I have sometimes get mad at her, but want you to know that Sarah I will always love you. Be yourself Sarah you are a great singer and writer. Never doubt yourself cause you beautiful the way you are!!! Some people might not like who you are, but you'll always know that God loves you the way you are. Keep writing and loving God.
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